Homelessness and Housing Instability Among LGBTQ Youth

28% of LGBTQ youth reported experiencing homelessness or housing instability at some point in their lives — and those who did had two to four times the odds of reporting depression, anxiety, self-harm, considering suicide, and attempting suicide compared to those with stable housing.

LGBTQ youth are overrepresented among young people experiencing homelessness and housing instability in the United States. This elevated risk of homelessness and housing instability has detrimental effects on LGBTQ youths’ mental health. This report uses data from the 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health to examine the prevalence of homelessness and various manifestations of housing instability among LGBTQ youth and their mental health symptoms. It also examines rates of homelessness and housing instability among various subgroups within the LGBTQ community and the prevalence of experiences which are frequently connected to housing instability (e.g., food insecurity). Finally, it includes recommendations for preventing and combating LGBTQ youth homelessness. 

Learn more: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/research-briefs/homelessness-and-housing-instability-among-lgbtq-youth-feb-2022/

Photo by Barcelos_fotos: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-with-rainbow-light-reflecting-her-face-2859616/